Friday, August 31, 2007

T Minus one day and counting...

One more day to go. Today was a whirlwind at work. We were short one guy so the rest of us were pretty busy most of the day. The last two hours kind of drug but that's behind me now. I have to work tomorrow while my brother and Jason head this way from Texas. They should get here around the time I get home from work tomorrow and then Sunday morning we all head out.

I went to Barnes & Noble today and bought some maps of the regions we will be visiting. I like to carry maps so I know where I am. After all, that's what the little window on the tank bag is for. CAUTION!!! - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO READ MAP ON TANK BAG WHILE RIDING - CAUTION!!! It is there to reference while stopped.

I was going to take my CamelbaK but with the limited range of the other bikes I think we will be stopping often enough to keep hydrated. I don't think they can do the three hour, 200+ mile non stop runs I do when riding alone. Besides we will be stopping to smell the roses (and take pictures) so I don't think I'll die of thirst.

I'm all packed and ready to go. I know it's a day early but having to work tomorrow I don't want to be packing when my brother gets here. I want to have it done and out of the way so... it's done.

I think we decided to head west first instead of north because Jason is going to have to leave after a couple of days and if we go north first we will just be getting to the good stuff when he has to leave. That would be no fun for him so we will head west first and then north. The plan for the first day is roughly like this:


We'll see how close we stay. Normally a 363 mile day after a 700+ mile day would be pretty easy but this route is pretty technical in spots. The good part is we can change our mind and bolt over to the highway at several different points.

I haven't heard from my brother so I don't know if he got everything done or will be leaving on time. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. He had a lot to do yet as of yesterday. You can link to his blog under "This is where I hang out" and check him out if you want to.

I'm off to watch the end of the Ranger game and get some sleep.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

T Minus two days and counting...

Slow day at work today. That makes waiting for this trip that much harder.

My brother doesn't think I can fit everything I need in the well over 100 liters of Cargo room I have without strapping stuff on outside the bags. I'm thinking since we're not camping I could probably leave the top box behind and go with just the 2 side bags (35 liters each) and the tank bag. I won't though. I'm planning on having room in the top box to secure the (magnetic) tank bag at stops. Plus it's just too handy for all the stuff you want quick access to. I only need to pack for 6 days as opposed to his 8 but still, how much stuff do I need?

I figure socks and shirts for 6 days. 1 pair of jeans, 1 extra pair of cargo shorts, 1 hoodie, toiletries, street shoes, my LDComforts are designed to wash in the sink at night so they are quick drying but I will be packing some extra underwear just in case. Other than that I'll just have the stuff I normally have on my bike anyway: Camera, Compressor, Tire Plugs, Extra Gloves, Extra Eye Protection, Rain Gear, Maps, Cell Phone, First Aid Kit, Tools, Towel, Rags, Batteries, Zip Ties, Duct Tape, Electrical Tape, etc. etc.

If something can go wrong, it will, (Murphy). So it's best to be prepared. I think I'm as well prepared as I can be (short of having a chase vehicle with a full shop). I wish I was leaving already.

Since I know that's not going to happen I'll wish for a busy two more days at work so the time will fly by a little faster.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

T Minus three days and counting...

Three days to go and I couldn’t be more ready.

I had an opportunity to take my new LDComfort underwear for a test ride today. I thought that would be a good idea before taking off on a three thousand mile trip with them. I gotta tell you, they’re pretty nice. It was just a short run but it sure was comfortable.

I delivered the trailer I sold today so there is room in my driveway for my brother when he comes on Saturday.

We decided not to camp on this trip because of the distances we will be covering each day so a lot of my prep work went away along with my external load. I should be able to fit everything in my bags. The route is planned and all I have to do is pack my bag and ride.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


It is now four days until my trip starts.

This will be the third annual motorcycle trip for my brother and I and for some reason the wait for this one has been excruciating.

We are headed to Glacier National Park and at this point I don't even care if we get there as long as we go.

My bike is ready:

and so am I.